History Guild publishes articles that provide interesting insights into history. These articles cover political and economic history from across the world.

Who Would Be the Roman Emperor Today?

Reading time: 10 minutes The Roman Empire continues to fascinate the world and dominate many cultural aspects of modern Western ...

Birth of a nation: how Australia empowering women taught the world a lesson

Reading time: 20 minutes In February 1902 – just 13 months after the Australian colonies federated to become the world’s ...

The legacy of Empire: The Bengal Famine

Reading time: 4 minutes Does the Bengal Famine shape the way Indians view the British? Ever since I learned of ...

The Origins of the Commons in Britain

Reading time: 8 minutes Walking around any British town or village today, it's difficult to imagine that land might not ...

Cracking the Code: The Quest to Decipher the Indus Valley Script

Reading time: 5 minutes The Rosetta Stone laid the groundwork for our understanding of Ancient Egyptian language and culture when ...

How Australia became a nation, and women won the vote

Reading time: 6 minutes Maybe seven really is a magic number. 2017 certainly has a lot of tricks up its ...

The 1919 Egyptian Revolution

Reading time: 8 minutes Despite British troops not leaving Egypt until the 1950s, the first Egyptian Revolution actually happened in ...

Revealed: how women cricketers mended Australia’s relationship with Britain after Bodyline

Reading time: 7 minutes To combat the prodigious run scoring of Australian batting legend Don Bradman, the captain of the ...

Australia refused to endorse China’s claim to Taiwan in 1972 because it foresaw a time like this

Reading time: 8 minutes Journalists and policy analysts should spend more time reading history. If they did, they would be ...

Pope Gregory XIII gave us the leap year – but his legacy goes much further

Reading time: 7 minutes On this day, February 29, conversations the world over may conjure the name of Pope Gregory ...
In Search of a Kingdom book cover


In Search of a Kingdom: Francis Drake, Elizabeth I, and the Perilous Birth of the British Empire by Laurence Bergreen ...

From micro to macro, Andrew Leigh’s accessible history covers the economic essentials

Reading time: 6 minutes Andrew Leigh’s The Shortest History of Economics is the latest in a series of such histories, ...

The Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)

Reading time: 5 minutes The first Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea was prompted by the sinking of ...

The Beginning of Rebellion: The Hidden History of the 1521 Santo Domingo Slave Revolt

Reading time: 6 minutes As the Age of Discovery slowly transitioned into the Age of Colonialism, the Spanish Empire, or ...

What Australia’s convict past reveals about women, men, marriage and work

Reading time: 5 minutes Success for women often comes at a cost. Award-winning, election-winning and high-earning women are more likely ...

The Treaty of Versailles: Brutally Unfair or Righteous Retribution?

Reading time: 7 minutes Marking the end of World War One, the Treaty of Versailles was signed by Germany on ...

Treason against the state: The execution of Charles I

Reading time: 7 minutes Treason doth never prosper; what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason ...

‘Habits of civilised life’: how one Australian State forced Indigenous people to meet onerous conditions to obtain citizenship

Reading time: 7 minutes Note of warning: This article refers to deceased Aboriginal people, their words, names and images. Words ...

Dockyard incendiarist: The tale of ‘John the Painter’

Reading time: 8 minutes Opposition to the British Crown during the American War of Independence took many forms, none more ...

Traps, rites and kurrajong twine – the incredible ingenuity of Indigenous fishing knowledge

Reading time: 20 minutes Standing on a ferry chugging across Sydney Harbour, it’s still possible to imagine the city as ...
Charles Ponzi in his office, 1920

“The Best Show That Was Ever Staged”: Charles Ponzi’s Scheme

Reading time: 7 minutes Having gambled away his life savings on the passage over, Italian immigrant Charles Ponzi arrived in ...

The Treason of Sir Thomas More

Reading time: 9 minutes Sir Thomas More was among the leading statesmen of the Tudor period and his legacy has ...

The Curious Creation of the Crusader States

Reading time: 7 minutes A major holy land for three of the world’s largest, most influential religions of Judaism, Christianity, ...

Virginia Hall, SOE Agent to CIA Pioneer

Reading time: 9 minutes Virginia Hall (1906–1982) was an American woman who served with the British Special Operations Executive in ...

A Brief History of West Papua: Indonesia’s Unwilling Territory

Reading time: 7 minutes Currently a province of Indonesia, West Papua is a region rich in cultural diversity and natural ...

In The Australian Wars, Rachel Perkins dispenses with the myth Aboriginal people didn’t fight back

Reading time: 5 minutes First Nations people please be advised this article mentions colonial violence towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait ...


Reading time: 2 minutes Land—whether meadow or mountainside, desert or peat bog, parkland or pasture, suburb or city—is central to ...


Reading time: 14 minutes In just five short years, the combined forces of the Axis powers managed to commit atrocities ...

Why Aboriginal Australian ‘Ununiformed Warriors’ Qualify for the Australian War Memorial

Reading time: 5 minutes Last year, chair of the Australian War Memorial Kim Beazley called for First Nations “guerilla campaigns” ...

Shipwrecks of the Manila Galleons

Reading time: 8 minutes Huge ships filled with canons, gold, porcelain, silk, and other riches from Asia, the Manila Galleons ...

Why Did Britain Change its Stance on Slavery?

Reading time: 7 minutes By the 1730s, Britain was the largest slave-trading Empire in the world. It is estimated that ...

500 years after Ferdinand Magellan landed in Patagonia, there’s nothing to celebrate for its indigenous peoples

Reading time: 5 minutes Five hundred years ago, on March 31 1520, the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan began a sojourn ...
Hull City Police, 1875 (Flickr - East Riding Archives: https://www.flickr.com/photos/erarchives/31980137941)

How was law and order maintained in Britain before modern Policing?

Reading time: 6 minutes Although the police force may seem an integral part of our world now, the first statutory ...

Australia’s long dread of France in the South Pacific 

Reading time: 13 minutes A striking duality drove Australia’s thinking about France in the 20th century. Expressed as a chant ...

The Mabo decision and native title

Reading time: 5 minutes On June 3 1992, the High Court of Australia handed down its decision in the long-running ...

The debate on the origins of the First World War

Reading time: 5 minutes The way historians have viewed the causes of WWI has changed in the hundred years since ...

Fake news was a thing long before Donald Trump — just ask the ancient Greeks

Reading time: 5 minutes The idea of “news” is a pretty new thing. So is the concept of “fake news”, ...

A new narrative unfolds about South Africa’s protracted war in Angola

Reading time: 5 minutes The book A Far-Away War: Angola 1975 - 1989, about the war waged by apartheid South ...

How those found guilty of treason were punished

Reading time: 7 minutes In 1352 the crime of treason was defined for the first time in English law. But ...


Reading time: 7 minutes Never mind the roads, rivers were the arteries of the Roman Empire, carrying food, fuel and ...

Women, Parliament and Political Space

Reading time: 8 minutes This blog post marks the anniversary of the Parliament (Qualification of Women) Act, which passed on 21 ...


Most history enthusiasts will eye the release of a new film on a historical topic somewhat skeptically, thinking ‘will they ...

Shapurji Saklatvala – British MP and agitator for change

Reading time: 4 minutes One of the first MPs of Indian heritage, Shapurji Saklatvala (1874–1936) was an agitator for change, ...

‘Wicked and seditious writings’ – Thomas Paine, Rights of Man and treason

Reading time: 7 minutes In December 1792, detachments of the 2nd Dragoon Guards across the Southwest of England staged spectacles ...

What contemporary feminism owes to Victorian textile workers in Glasgow

Reading time: 5 minutes As well as being Scotland’s largest city, Glasgow was its industrial heart. Central to the civic ...

How did 4th-century Roman coins end up in a medieval Japanese castle?

Reading time: 5 minutes The recent discovery of Roman coins in controlled excavations of a castle in Japan prompted the ...

Are we learning the wrong lessons from history?

Reading time: 7 minutes Can historians influence government policy? Should they? And, if so, what kinds of historical knowledge should ...

Treason against the state: America declares independence

Reading time: 6 minutes This is the second part of a two-blog series exploring treason against the state, as used ...

Tales from the Special Operations Executive: Operation Remorse

Reading time: 5 minutes It was ‘the biggest currency black market in history’, a secret operation under the auspices of ...

The “Madman Theory” Was Quintessential Nixon

Reading time: 6 minutes When H. R. “Bob” Haldeman first described Richard Nixon’s “madman theory” in his 1978 memoir, The ...

How the Gunpowder Treason was discovered

Reading time: 9 minutes On the night of 4 November 1605, a man calling himself John Johnson was found in ...

The End of History: Francis Fukuyama’s controversial idea explained

Reading time: 8 minutes In 1989, a policy wonk in the US State Department wrote a paper for the right-leaning ...

The story of HMT Empire Windrush (1930–1954)

Reading time: 5 minutes Next June will mark the 75th anniversary of the arrival of HMT Empire Windrush at Tilbury ...

The dark history of slavery and racism in Indonesia during the Dutch colonial period

Reading time: 7 minutes The anti-racism protest that started in the US has spread to Europe and the world. Protesters ...

A slave state – how blackbirding in colonial Australia created a legacy of racism

Reading time: 46 minutes In July 2021, Jack Dempsey, the mayor of Bundaberg, delivered an official apology for Northern Queensland’s ...

Pickett’s Charge: What modern mathematics teaches us about Civil War battle

Reading time: 5 minutes The Battle of Gettysburg was a turning point in the American Civil War, and Gen. George ...

Slavers in the family: what a castle in Accra reveals about Ghana’s history

Reading time: 6 minutes As a Ghanaian archaeologist, I have been conducting research at Christiansborg Castle in Accra, Ghana. A ...


Reading time: 8 minutes Our knowledge of the ancient world owes a lot to chance discoveries. Here, we share the ...

A white supremacist coup succeeded in 1898 North Carolina, led by lying politicians and racist newspapers that amplified their lies

Reading time: 6 minutes While experts debate whether the U.S. Capitol siege was an attempted coup, there is no debate ...

Returning looted artefacts will finally restore heritage to the brilliant cultures that made them

Reading time: 6 minutes European museums are under mounting pressure to return the irreplaceable artefacts plundered during colonial times. As ...

Why there is no Kurdish nation

Reading time: 6 minutes Since U.S. troops left their region, roughly 180,000 Kurds of northeastern Syria have been displaced, and ...

A short history of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy – an indelible reminder of unceded sovereignty

Reading time: 6 minutes Often people think about the Aboriginal Tent Embassy as something historic, dating back to the 1970s ...

Spain’s Civil War and the Americans who fought in it: a convoluted legacy

Reading time: 9 minutes Eighty seven years ago this week, in the Spanish North African enclave of Melilla, a group ...

The Roman ‘Brexit’: how life in Britain changed after 409AD

Reading time: 5 minutes Leaving a major political body is nothing new for mainland Britain. In 409AD, more than 350 ...

Spain’s new memory law dredges up a painful chapter of Spain’s often forgotten ties to Nazis

Reading time: 6 minutes Walking down a tree-lined street in the Poble Sec neighborhood of Barcelona, one might easily miss ...

What good is a new national cultural policy without history?

Reading time: 5 minutes Alongside much else that is being revised, reimagined or recast by the Albanese government, Australia is ...

Regimes Around the World are Manipulating History and Threatening Historians

Reading time: 6 minutes The past is back at the center of today’s politics. The invasion of Ukraine by Russian ...

IBM and Auschwitz: New Evidence

Reading time: 13 minutes By Edwin Black. This article is drawn from Mr. Black's updated German paperback edition published in ...

America Fought Its Own Battle Over Books Before it Fought the Nazis

Reading time: 7 minutes When United States servicemen stormed the beaches in Normandy, most of them had an essential item ...

The other assassination of November 1963

Reading time: 5 minutes If you weren’t living as a hermit in the desert, you’d have been well aware that ...

‘Excessive severity’: Treason and the Grenadian Rebellion of 1795

Reading time: 9 minutes Late in the night of 2 March 1795, a rebellion broke out on the Caribbean island ...

A love story that threatened the Commonwealth: Seretse Khama and Ruth Williams

Reading time: 7 minutes A relatively unknown name in contemporary Britain, Sir Seretse Khama left an indelible mark on southern ...


Reading time: 6 minutes Since the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, journalists, scholars, and activists have celebrated Harris ...

Historians are Being Asked to Spin Simple Stories of Nationalism; The Past Won’t Cooperate

Reading time: 7 minutes North Macedonia, an EU candidate since 2005, and Bulgaria, an EU member since 2007, are neighbors ...

90 years ago, Yorta Yorta leader William Cooper petitioned the king for Aboriginal representation in parliament

Reading time: 4 minutes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised this article contains names and images of deceased ...

PUTIN’S PAST: The Return of Ideological History and the Strongman

Reading time: 8 minutes From Russian Constitutional Court chairman Valery Zorkin, to former Russian culture minister Vladimir Medinsky, to presidential ...

Uncovering the roots of racist ideas in America

Reading time: 5 minutes Donald Trump proclaimed during his inaugural address, “When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no ...

How Woodrow Wilson’s propaganda machine changed American journalism

Reading time: 8 minutes When the United States declared war on Germany 100 years ago, the impact on the news ...

German spies in South Africa during WWII – The enemy within

Reading time: 5 minutes The story of the intelligence war in South Africa during the Second World War is one ...

The absurd irony of Putin’s invocation of Stalingrad

Reading time: 5 minutes Russian President Vladimir Putin’s address in Volgograd on 2 February, in which he sought to draw ...

What Vietnam and Iraq should teach Canberra

Reading time: 7 minutes If we learn more from losses than wins, then the Canberra system has much to gain ...

Australia, Indonesia and Confrontation

Reading time: 5 minutes Perhaps an old-fashioned diplomatic historian might add to the valuable comments by Peter Jennings, Peter McCawley ...

Roman Britain was multi-ethnic – so why does this upset people so much?

Reading time: 4 minutes Nil nimium studeo, Caesar, tibi velle placere,nec scire utrum sis albus an ater homo. I’m not ...

A tale of subterfuge, rivalry, Napoleon and snakes: how the NSW State Library came to own the map of Abel Tasman’s voyages

Reading time: 6 minutes Every year, tens of thousands of New South Wales State Library patrons walk past a stunning ...

Armenia-Azerbaijan: an intermittent war as a way of life

Reading time: 5 minutes Clashes in the border territories between Armenia and Azerbaijan around Nagorno-Karabakh have recurred in recent times, ...

The Roman dead: new techniques are revealing just how diverse Roman Britain was

Reading time: 6 minutes Our knowledge about the people who lived in Roman Britain has undergone a sea change over ...

How the Ancient Egyptian economy laid the groundwork for building the pyramids

Reading time: 5 minutes In the shadow of the pyramids of Giza, lie the tombs of the courtiers and officials ...

Would London Fire Brigades really let your house burn down if you were uninsured?

Reading time: 4 minutes Here’s an interesting fact: if you didn’t pay your insurance premiums in 17th and 18th century ...

Why we must better understand our history

Reading time: 5 minutes History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme. Mark Twain As a society it is ...

100 Years on, a New German Putsch?

Reading time: 9 minutes On December 7, 2022, German federal police arrested 25 people who were allegedly plotting to violently ...

What the Romans can teach us about immigration and integration

Reading time: 4 minutes As a Roman historian, I’m struck by how often people ask why the Roman empire ended, ...
Still image from the 1940 propaganda film ‘Christmas Under Fire’ produced by the Crown Film Unit. BFI Archive

Carols, ration books and bomb shelters: how Britain celebrated Christmas in 1940

Reading time: 6 minutes At Christmas 1939, Britons had been able to maintain a semblance of normality. The blackout prevented ...

Popular Histories Have Influenced World Leaders, Sometimes For the Better

Reading time: 6 minutes Sometimes presidents are influenced by history books. Bill Clinton consulted Balkan Ghosts: A Journey Through History by Robert ...

America’s Favourite Fighting Frenchman: Marquis de Lafayette

Reading time: 8 minutes Hamilton: An American Musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda remains one of the best Broadway musicals of all ...

Australian politics explainer: how women gained the right to vote

Reading time: 5 minutes Between 1894 and 1908 a wave of women’s enfranchisement swept across Australia. Beginning in South Australia ...

The horse bit and bridle kicked off ancient empires – a new giant dataset tracks the societal factors that drove military technology

Reading time: 7 minutes Starting around 3,000 years ago, a wave of innovation began to sweep through human societies around ...

The Chungking Legation: Australia’s first diplomatic mission to China, as soon to be wartime allies

Reading time: 6 minutes Gough Whitlam’s visit to China in 1971 is an iconic moment in the history of Australia-China ...

Jamaica’s Morant Bay Rebellion and it’s brutal repression

Reading time: 11 minutes On 12 October 1865, John Davidson, a magistrate in the east of Jamaica, wrote to the ...

Archaeology is unravelling new stories about Indigenous seagoing trade on Australia’s doorstep

Reading time: 6 minutes A Motu trading ship with its characteristic crab claw shaped sails. Taken in the period 1903-1904 ...

4 Forgotten Historical Events that Shaped The World

Reading time: 7 minutes Our world has such a long, twisted history, it’s no surprise that some tales have been ...

The Moon Landing, Before the First Steps

Reading time: 10 minutes “We choose to go to the moon in this decade, and do the other things, not ...


RESTORING ONE OF THE WORLD’S RAREST MAPS Reading time: 4 minutes In 1663, Europeans called Australia ‘New Holland’, New Zealand ...

Five myths about the partition of British India – and what really happened

Reading time: 6 minutes This August marks 75 years since the partition of the Indian subcontinent. British withdrawal from the ...

A Cuban Catastrophe: The Bay of Pigs Invasion

Reading time: 11 minutes The 1959 Cuban Revolution resulted in rule by a communist regime under Fidel Castro. This period ...

Dispatches from Red Square: reporting Russia’s revolutions then and now

Dispatches from Red Square: reporting Russia’s revolutions then and now Reading time: 9 minutes “No news from Petrograd yesterday”, was the ...

Extraordinarily, the effects of the Spanish Inquisition linger to this day

Extraordinarily, the effects of the Spanish Inquisition linger to this day Reading time: 5 minutes From Imperial Rome to the ...

Putin’s brazen manipulation of language is a perfect example of Orwellian doublespeak

Putin’s brazen manipulation of language is a perfect example of Orwellian doublespeak Reading time: 6 minutes If you’ve been paying ...


ABUSE AND TENACITY: UKRAINE'S STRUGGLE FOR AUTONOMY Reading time: 10 minutes The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine has rightfully outraged ...

The wild decade: how the 1990s laid the foundations for Vladimir Putin’s Russia

The wild decade: how the 1990s laid the foundations for Vladimir Putin’s Russia Reading time: 6 minutes Putin’s inauguration in 2000: ...


B.C. FRANKLIN AND THE TULSA MASSACRE Reading time: 5 minutes On May 31, 1921, Buck Colbert Franklin peered up at ...

Dag Hammarskjöld: a defiant pioneer of global diplomacy who died in a mystery plane crash

Dag Hammarskjöld: a defiant pioneer of global diplomacy who died in a mystery plane crash Reading time: 5 minutes The idea ...

William Cooper: the Indigenous leader who petitioned the king, demanding a Voice to Parliament in the 1930s

William Cooper: the Indigenous leader who petitioned the king, demanding a Voice to Parliament in the 1930s Reading time: 7 ...


ELIZABETH II: 70 YEARS OF A QUEEN Reading time: 7 minutes 2022 marks 70 years since Elizabeth II ascended the ...

Kazakhstan: A Story of Endurance

KAZAKHSTAN: A STORY OF ENDURANCE Reading time: 7 minutes As protests erupt across the former Soviet republic, the world watches ...

That time private US media companies stepped in to silence the falsehoods and incitements of a major public figure … in 1938


A Continent’s Currency: 20 years of the Euro

A CONTINENT'S CURRENCY: 20 YEARS OF THE EURO Reading time: 6 minutes The central unit of money for much of ...

What lies behind the war in Tigray?

WHAT LIES BEHIND THE WAR IN TIGRAY? Reading time: 7 minutes Ethiopian soldiers in 2005 on a hilltop outpost overlooking ...

New research shows WA’s first governor condoned killing of Noongar people despite proclaiming all equal under law


10 things every politician should know about history

10 THINGS EVERY POLITICIAN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT HISTORY Reading time: 5 minutes The federal Education Minister, Alan Tudge, has announced ...

Britain’s obsession with the second world war and the debates that fuel it


In Appreciation of Schindler’s List

IN APPRECIATION OF SCHINDLER'S LIST Reading time: 7 minutes Revisiting Steven Spielberg's harrowing Holocaust drama on the 28th anniversary of ...

Domino Theory and U.S. Foreign Policy

DOMINO THEORY AND U.S. FOREIGN POLICY When looking at the cold war and the way the United States went about ...


PEARL HARBOR AND AMERICA'S ENTRY TO WAR The commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor also ...

Under what conditions are international sanctions effective?

UNDER WHAT CONDITIONS ARE INTERNATIONAL SANCTIONS EFFECTIVE? Reading time: 7 minutes Demonstrators in Zimbabwe chant slogans and wave flags during ...

The Test of Time: The Oldest Companies Still in Operation and Why They Survived


When France extorted Haiti – the greatest heist in history

WHEN FRANCE EXTORTED HAITI – THE GREATEST HEIST IN HISTORY Reading time: 7 minutes Much of the reparations debate has ...

Cuba without Fidel: Five Years Later

CUBA WITHOUT FIDEL: FIVE YEARS LATER Reading time: 6 minutes For nearly 60 years, and for better or for worse, ...

Supreme Court upholds American Indian treaty promises, orders Oklahoma to follow federal law


How a Cyprus Museum Uses Tech to Make the Past Come Alive

HOW A CYPRUS MUSEUM USES TECH TO MAKE THE PAST COME ALIVE What do you do when a building important ...

How one woman pulled off the first consumer boycott – and helped inspire the British to abolish slavery


Gens Du Pays: A History of Quebec’s Struggle for Sovereignty

GENS DU PAYS: A HISTORY OF QUEBEC’S STRUGGLE FOR SOVEREIGNTY Reading time: 13 minutes Vive le Québec libre! The date ...

The fall of Singapore

THE FALL OF SINGAPORE Reading time: 14 minutes Japanese Soldiers enter Singapore. The Land Campaign Nothing in history is inevitable ...

5 Inspiring Women Of History

5 INSPIRING WOMEN OF HISTORY Reading time: 10 minutes Throughout history, the world has witnessed influential women take the world ...

How the Australian Secret Service Helped Overthrow the Chilean Government

HOW THE AUSTRALIAN SECRET SERVICE HELPED OVERTHROW THE CHILEAN GOVERNMENT Reading time: 8 minutes Recently, documents came to light that ...


SIX OF THE BEST WORLD WAR II FILMS World War II (1939-1945) was and remains the greatest conflict that humanity ...

Deng Xiaoping’s Rise to Power

Reading time: 6 minutes By orchestrating China’s transition to a market economy, Deng Xiaoping has left a lasting legacy on ...

The Long History of Mandated Vaccines in the United States

THE LONG HISTORY OF MANDATED VACCINES IN THE UNITED STATES Reading time: 5 minutes Vaccines against smallpox during the Revolutionary ...



The Russian Revolution

Reading time: 6 minutes For most people, the term “Russian Revolution” conjures up a popular set of images: demonstrations in ...

Warfare spurred on the welfare state in the 20th century – but it probably won’t in future

Reading time: 7 minutes A tank on its way to port for the Normandy landings in 1944. PA Archive The ...

The Friar Who Faced The Medici of Florence

Reading time: 8 minutes Girolamo Savonarola, an Italian preacher and reformer, led an interesting life. His ideologies and strong stance ...

Pinochet’s Chile

Reading time: 7 minutes General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, a career military officer, was appointed Commander in Chief of the Chilean ...

Gregor MacGregor: History’s Greatest Conman

Reading time: 8 minutes In 1821, Gregor MacGregor, a seemingly ordinary man deceived banks, investors, the general public, and even ...

The Iranian Revolution

Reading time: 9 minutes To understand what caused the Iranian Revolution, we must first consider the ongoing conflict between proponents ...

Australia’s first known female voter, the famous Mrs Fanny Finch

Reading time: 7 minutes On 22 January 1856, an extraordinary event in Australia’s history occurred. It is not part of ...

The Franco-British Union: Genius, or Madness Born of Desperation?

Reading time: 6 minutes When crisis strikes, one imagines members of government or heads of state stoically dealing with the ...

Four days in August: The Soviet Union’s final blow

Reading time: 8 minutes Nearly 30 years have passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991, and ...

What is Bastille Day and why is it celebrated?

Reading time: 6 minutes French people travelling to or living in English-speaking countries are sometimes surprised when asked about their ...

51 years ago: Israel won an air battle, and lost the War of Attrition

The Israel Air Force drew the Soviet expeditionary force in Egypt into a perfect, successful ambush, but pride was the ...

315 nuclear bombs and ongoing suffering: the shameful history of nuclear testing in Australia and the Pacific

Reading time: 6 minutes The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons received its 50th ratification on October 24, and ...

THE PHANTOM OLYMPICS-Why Japan Forfeited Hosting the 1940 Olympics

Reading time: 6 minutes When the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo were canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was ...

Sardines for breakfast, hypothermia rescues: the story of the cash-strapped, post-pandemic 1920 Olympics

Reading time: 8 minutes Since the global pandemic began, debate has raged over whether Tokyo should go ahead with the ...

The voyage of Nicolas Baudin and ‘art in the service of science’

Reading time: 9 minutes The real-life story of French navigator Nicolas Baudin’s sea voyage to map the unknown coasts of ...


ROME’S AUGUSTUS AND THE ALLURE OF THE STRONGMAN Reading time: 8 minutes The Roman emperor Augustus is held up by ...

From the Caribbean to Queensland: re-examining Australia’s ‘blackbirding’ past and its roots in the global slave trade

Reading time: 6 minutes There are moves afoot to scrub colonial businessman Benjamin Boyd’s name from the map. The owners ...

Churchill and India: imperial chauvinism left a bitter legacy

Reading time: 6 minutes Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies Winston Churchill arrives at Number 10 Downing Street with John ...

HMS Terror wreck found – but what happened to her doomed crew? Here’s the science

Reading time: 8 minutes It remains one of history’s best-known naval tragedies – and mysteries. The loss of all 129 ...

The Antarctic Treaty is turning 60 years old. In a changed world, is it still fit for purpose?

Reading time: 6 minutes The 1959 Antarctic Treaty celebrates its 60th anniversary this week. Negotiated during the middle of the ...

How Eleanor Roosevelt reshaped the role of First Lady and became a feminist icon

Reading time: 5 minutes “Well-behaved women seldom make history” is a phrase frequently trotted out around International Women’s Day, and ...

A program for peace: The founding of the United Nations

Reading time: 6 minutes Achieving the elusive dream of “world peace”, has long been an idealist and collectivist goal for ...
wall street crash

The 5 Biggest Financial Bubbles You’ve Never Heard Of

Reading time: 7 minutes With the prophets of doom foretelling that we’ll see massive inflation in 2021 and the crash ...

Venezuela’s Fight For Independence: The Battle of Carabobo

Reading time: 6 minutes This year marks the 200th anniversary of the battle of Carabobo, a major battle in Venezuela’s ...

The Siege of Haarlem, Kenau, and Creating a Heroine

Reading time: 5 minutes The Dutch Revolt, the conflict that created an independent Netherlands free from Spain, also created a ...

Caste: A Divisive Structure in the United States, India, and Nazi Germany

Reading time: 4 minutes In her new book, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, Isabel Wilkerson writes that the ways ...

The Cold War Ignites: The Berlin Blockade and Airlift

Reading time: 6 minutes Once the centre of Nazi ideology and power, the German capital of Berlin was extremely important ...

How early Australian settlers drew maps to erase Indigenous people and push ideas of colonial superiority

Reading time: 6 minutes The new Netflix series Shadow and Bone opens with cartographer Alina Starkov crammed into the back ...
Dutch Ships Sail Off a Rocky Shore

How War with Spain Created the Dutch Colonial Empire

Reading time: 8 minutes The Dutch colonial empire was a large collection of territories that spanned the globe from the ...

Constructing Oppression: The Berlin Wall and the Literal Iron Curtain

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes 60 years after its initial construction, the memory of the Berlin Wall remains a potent ...

The Two Countries That ‘Escaped’ The Scramble for Africa

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes The Scramble for Africa is often recognized as the beginning of colonialism and European Imperialism ...

Africa’s World War: The Congo War

Africa’s World War: The Congo War Reading time: 5 minutes 5.4 million people died in the deadliest war in modern ...

Brilliant and Flawed: The Enduring Legacy of Napoleon Bonaparte

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes The 200th anniversary of his death (1821-2021) renews discussion on how the former Emperor should ...

Five Great Historically Accurate Films: Part Two

Reading time: 5 minutes By Michael Vecchio READ PART ONE of FIVE GREAT HISTORICAL FILMS Gandhi (1982) Dir. Richard Attenborough ...

How The Napoleonic Wars Entrenched British Rule In 19th Century South Africa

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes The battles between Britain and France following the French Revolution and into the Napoleonic Wars ...

Hero and Villain: Robert Clive of the East India Company

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes Robert Clive, a general of the East India Company, was despised by his contemporaries – ...

Northern Ireland, born of strife 100 years ago, again erupts in political violence

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Sectarian rioting has returned to the streets of Northern Ireland, just weeks shy of its ...

How the shadow of slavery still hangs over global finance

When the infamous Zong trial began in 1783, it laid bare the toxic relationship between finance and slavery. It was an unusual ...

Highland Clearances: Changing a Culture

HIGHLAND CLEARANCES: CHANGING A CULTURE Reading time: 5 minutes Cultures, customs and traditions change as time passes on, but sometimes ...

Hubris and Miscalculation: The failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion

HUBRIS AND MISCALCULATION: THE FAILURE OF THE BAY OF PIGS INVASION Estimated reading time: 6 minutes By Michael Vecchio The ...

Archaeologists have a lot of dates wrong for North American indigenous history – but we’re using new techniques to get it right

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes By Sturt Manning, Cornell University. Columbus famously reached the Americas in 1492. Other Europeans had ...
First World War, tableau, men, uniform, woods, fun Fortepan 25063.jpg

The Long Tail of the First World War

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes Fallen Empires and Civil War By Caitlan Hester The popular view of the First World ...

Cultural diversity – the making of Rome

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes By Richard Shrubb. The Roman Empire was arguably the most successful empire in history, eclipsing ...

How the National Guard became the go-to military force for riots and civil disturbances

Reading time: 6 minutes The Pentagon has approved leaving 5,000 troops deployed indefinitely to protect the U.S. Capitol from domestic ...

The West and the Rest: Deconstructing the Great Divergence Debate

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes By Madison Moulton. The causes of global inequalities between the West and the East is ...

Mapping the World: A Short History of Cartography

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes From the cave paintings of Montignac to the Mercator Projection and beyond, maps explain how ...

The Cold War, Churchill’s Iron Curtain, and the Power of Imagery

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes By Michael Vecchio Many years of fighting and an estimated 85 million people dead; the ...

After Caribbean Slavery – Indentured Labour

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes By Richard Shrubb. The abolition of slavery by the British Empire would cause an economic ...

Long before GameStop, bucket shops challenged the legitimacy of Wall Street

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes By Robbie Moore, University of Tasmania. The gleeful manipulation of GameStop’s share price is not ...

Australian government must negotiate a treaty with First Nations people

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes By Lidia Thorpe With 26 January looming, many Australians will be ashamed of the fact ...

Quantity Becomes a Quality All of Its Own

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes In the history of warfare, there have been mismatched conflicts where skilled forces have been ...

The Rise of Black Wall Street and the Race Massacre That Burned It Down

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes The Greenwood neighbourhood of Tulsa, Oklahoma was a hub for black business and wealth from ...

The Battle of Kadesh and the World’s First Peace Treaty

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes For a shining example of ancient warfare and the cause of the world's first recorded ...

Fake News, Misinformation and Propaganda Throughout History

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes By Madison Moulton Fake news has become a popular buzzword. However, the phenomenon is not ...

Neutrality At All Costs: The Netherlands in WW1

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes By Fergus O'Sullivan World War 1 was a conflict that engulfed entire continents and swallowed ...

Explainer: what is radiocarbon dating and how does it work?

Rachel Wood, Australian National University Radiocarbon dating has transformed our understanding of the past 50,000 years. Professor Willard Libby produced ...
french fur trade

The Changing Relationship Between the US Government and Native Americans

Reading time: 11 minutes The Civilisation Program, the Indian Removal Act and the Cherokee Trail of Tears, 1776 - 1860 ...

Best Historical Films 2010-2020

There may be many historically based films, but only a few can be rightfully called striking, emotional, and informative. As ...

A Period of Change: Global Events in the Lead Up to WWI

Reading time: 6 minutes The history of the lead up to WWI is undoubtedly dominated by Europe. European powers understandably ...
Hawa Mahal Amer Fort

Decolonialising India’s Persianate Age

Reading time: 6 minutes For the last 1,000 years and until very recently, scholars have held that the Indian sub-continent ...

Five Great Historically Accurate Films

By Michael Vecchio. Most history enthusiasts will eye the release of a new film on a historical topic somewhat sceptically, ...

What Hamilton Got Wrong

Reading time: 6 minutes It’s important to take historically-based art, whether a painting that condenses a battle or the acclaimed ...

Five of the Most Historically Accurate PC Games

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes Plenty of video games are marketed as being historically accurate, but few truly are. In ...

Why Do We Have an 8-Hour Working Day?

Reading time: 3 minutes The working day as we now know it was the result of international, cross-industry labour efforts ...

How Romania’s WW1 Gamble Paid Off Spectacularly

Reading time: 6 minutes The Great War was a major turning point for virtually all European countries, but not too ...

Interesting Stories of the Mound-Building Native American Civilizations of the Midwest

By Caitlan Hester. Native American Mound-Building Civilizations For over 5,000 years the Eastern, Southeastern, and the Midwestern U.S. were populated ...

Slavery Compensation: Who Got Paid?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes By Richard Shrubb. With the abolition of slavery in the British Empire in 1834 the ...

Battle of One Tree Hill, Australian Frontier Wars

Battle of One Tree Hill, Australian Frontier Wars Reading time: 7 minutes The Battle of One Tree Hill in 1843 ...