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IBM and Auschwitz: New Evidence

Reading time: 13 minutes
In August 1943, a timber merchant from Bendzin, Poland, arrived at Auschwitz. He was among a group of 400 inmates, mostly Jews. First, a doctor examined him briefly to determine his fitness for work. His physical information was noted on a medical record. Second, his full prisoner registration was completed with all personal details. Third, his name was checked against the indices of the Political Section to see if he would be subjected to special punishment. Finally, he was registered in the Labor Assignment Office and assigned a characteristic five-digit IBM Hollerith number, 44673.

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I asked historians what find made them go ‘wait, wut?’ Here’s a taste of the hundreds of replies

Reading time: 6 minutes
Often when historians visit an archive or conduct research, we are not sure what we’ll find. With the help of archivists and librarians, we may know broadly what is contained in an archival record or a database, but we never know what may or may not be useful to us. Approaching our research material with a particular set of questions or analytical framework, what we actually find may leave us surprised, confused or taken aback in another way.

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Communist China

In this lesson we will be learning about the rise of the Communist China and the reforms under Chairman Mao and later Deng Xiaoping.

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PUTIN’S PAST: The Return of Ideological History and the Strongman

Reading time: 8 minutes
From Russian Constitutional Court chairman Valery Zorkin, to former Russian culture minister Vladimir Medinsky, to presidential adviser Yuri Kovlachuk, amateur history is everywhere in the Russian government today. This is not an accident but a deliberate way to build official state ideology in Russia. For instance, in a recent interview discussing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the deputy secretary of the Russian Security Council, Oleg Khramov, said that the West is trying “to stop the course of history” by “blinding” many Ukrainians to the historical truth of their shared civilizational identity with Russia.

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With Academic History in Crisis, can Departments Pivot to Reach Interested Audiences?

Reading time: 4 minutes
On the one hand, history is one of the struggling liberal arts disciplines. When we look at undergraduate majors, history is in decline almost everywhere. Of course, there are exceptions. In The New Yorker, Eric Alterman examined the “decline of historical thinking” as an example of inequality. People at the most prestigious universities still do study history. But the overall decline is significant enough that it may be irresponsible to send your best students to grad school. According to recent numbers, of the 1,799 new history PhDs between 2019 and 2021, only 175 found full-time work as faculty. This is beyond bleak.

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Harking back: the ancient pagan festivities in our Christmas rituals

Reading time: 5 minutes
When we think of the Romans, gift-giving, carol-singing and celebrating the birth of Christ don’t immediately present themselves. Waging wars, general oppression and a never-ending desire to rule the world are more likely to spring to mind.

But various Christmas traditions come from ancient pagan festivities, including the Roman celebration of the Saturnalia.

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The Princes of Rus

This lesson will take us to the Foundations of Rus as we learn how the first Russian dynasty was established and the princes of Rus.

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British India

This lesson will take us to British India as we learn about the Indian rebellion and the movement for Indian independence.

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The Renaissance

This lesson will take us to the Renaissance which was a cultural movement that began in Italy in the 14th century.

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We have revealed a unique time capsule of Australia’s first coastal people from 50,000 years ago

Reading time: 5 minutes
Barrow Island, located 60 kilometres off the Pilbara in Western Australia, was once a hill overlooking an expansive coast. This was the northwestern shelf of the Australian continent, now permanently submerged by the ocean.
Our new research, published in Quaternary Science Reviews, shows that Aboriginal people repeatedly lived on portions of this coastal plateau. We have worked closely with coastal Thalanyji Traditional Owners on this island work and also on their sites from the mainland.

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Domino Theory and U.S. Foreign Policy

Reading time: 4 minutes
When looking at the cold war and the way the United States went about its foreign policy, you can’t escape the influence of the so-called domino theory. This belief, a common one in American’s halls of power, stated that if one country fell to communism, the surrounding ones would, too. Was there any truth in this theory, though, or was it more scare mongering?

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The Germanic Tribes

This lesson we will be learning about the Germanic tribes, the ancient nomadic civilization that laid the foundation for modern Europe.

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Northern Africa

This lesson will take us to the Northern parts of Africa as we learn about post-Byzantine Egypt and Nubia known as the kingdom of Kush.

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In this lesson we will be learning about Argentina before the great depression, it’s infamous decade and controversial Presidents.

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From whistling arrows and trumpeting elephants to battle cries and eerie horns, ancient soldiers used sound to frighten and confuse their enemies

Reading time: 6 minutes
As if the tumultuous din of battle is not horrendous enough, over the ages humans have discovered plenty of ways to exploit sound in warfare. I found an astonishing variety of ancient acoustic weapons while researching my book “Greek Fire, Poison Arrows, and Scorpion Bombs: Unconventional Warfare in the Ancient World.” Deploying sound in war has evolved over millennia, from natural animal sounds and music to today’s advanced sonic devices.

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