History Guild Weekly History Quiz No.243
See how your history knowledge stacks up!

Weekly History Quiz No. 243

History Guild's weekly history quiz. Questions from the broad sweep of human history.

1 / 10

1. Which Native American confederation reached an agreement of mutual defense and trade with the British colonists at Plymouth in 1621?

2 / 10

2. Which of these financial innovations was invented first?

3 / 10

3. Which of these WWII leaders had a son who was killed in the conflict?

4 / 10

4. Where does the name of The Bible originate?

5 / 10

5. Born in Venice in 1364, what was Christine de Pisan's profession?

6 / 10

6. 193 CE was known as the year of how many emperor's?

7 / 10

7. How many voyages of exploration did James Cook lead?

8 / 10

8. The 1956 Suez Crisis saw Egypt fighting against which countries?

9 / 10

9. Which army was victorious the 1645 Battle of Naseby?

10 / 10

10. Who painted Café Terrace at Night in 1888?

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The average score is 58%

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