History Guild Weekly History Quiz No.242
See how your history knowledge stacks up!

Weekly History Quiz No. 242

History Guild's weekly history quiz. Questions from the broad sweep of human history.

1 / 10

1. Which country made huge profits from the Mexico-Manila galleon trade from 1565 to 1815?

2 / 10

2. Which dynasty ruled Ethiopia from 1270 to 1974?

3 / 10

3. Which organisation did Oswald Mosley form in 1932?

4 / 10

4. When was the first steam railway in the USA opened?

5 / 10

5. Who called for the first crusade in 1095?

6 / 10

6. In what year was the Battle of Watling Street fought?

7 / 10

7. When did the last Chinese Emperor die?

8 / 10

8. Which country invaded Cambodia in 1978?

9 / 10

9. Where did the Austronesian peoples originally come from?

10 / 10

10. Which Empire's rule allowed Marco Polo to travel freely?

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The average score is 63%

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