History Guild Quizzes
These history quizzes have a range of difficulties or are about specific topics. Scroll down for our weekly general history quizzes.

History Guild Quiz – Beginner
History Guild Quiz – BeginnerSee how your history knowledge stacks up. Want to know more about any of the questions? Once you’ve finished the quiz click here to learn more. Have an idea for a question? Suggest it here and we’ll include it in a future quiz! The stories behind the questions 1. Which colonial […]

History Guild Quiz – Intermediate
History Guild Quiz – IntermediateSee how your history knowledge stacks up. Want to know more about any of the questions? Once you’ve finished the quiz click here to learn more. Have an idea for a question? Suggest it here and we’ll include it in a future quiz! The stories behind the questions 1. In what […]

History Guild Quiz – Advanced
History Guild Quiz – AdvancedSee how your history knowledge stacks up. Want to know more about any of the questions? Once you’ve finished the quiz click here to learn more. Have an idea for a question? Suggest it here and we’ll include it in a future quiz! The stories behind the questions 1. Where was […]
History Guild Weekly History Quizzes
These quizzes cover a range of different history topics each week. See how your history knowledge stacks up!

Weekly History Quiz No.236
1. How long elapsed between the Romans founding Londinium and its destruction by Boudicca?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.235
1. When did the construction of the London Underground begin?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.234
1. Where did the Iranian Embassy Siege take place?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.233
1. Where was the historical land of Punt?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.232
1. Which group developed a form of writing known as runes?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.231
1. What happened to Julius Caesar’s assassins after his death?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.230
1. In December 1917 the largest non-nuclear explosion ever recorded occurred. Where did it take place?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.229
1. In which year was the Battle of Long Tan?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.228
1. Which is the only walled city in North America?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.227
1. Which other city was destroyed by the volcanic eruption that destroyed Pompeii?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.226
1. What was Mary Anning’s profession?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.225
1. Which group was the main challenge to Greek power in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Greek golden age?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.224
1. Which was the largest empire in the pre-European conquest Americas?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.223
1. Where was the first Olympic games outside Europe and North America held?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.222
Who painted Luncheon of the Boating Party in 1881?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.221
1. Who led the English fleet that defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.220
1. Ruling in the 12th century, who was one of the most powerful Queens of Jerusalem?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.219
When was the Australian-England ‘Bodyline’ cricket series?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.218
When did the construction of the Acropolis of Athens begin?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.217
Five countries have been represented at all Modern Summer Olympic Games: Greece, Great Britain, Switzerland, Australia, and which other country?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.216
1. How long had the Mary Rose been in service prior to her sinking in 1545?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.215
1. Troops from which Allied nation spearheaded the 1942 Dieppe raid?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

Weekly History Quiz No.214
1. Which countries fought in the 1984-1988 tanker war?
Try the full 10 question quiz.

General History Quiz 213
1. What was the relationship between Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt?
Try the full 10 question quiz.